Saturday, May 5, 2007

Politics For Idiots~ Guantanamo detention camp

so basically what is going on is the American military is tortured and sexually assaulted alleged terrorists.
yes, i do mean alleged as in, if you Google "NLEC" or "No Longer Enemy Combatant" you will find that at least 30 of the prisoners at Guantanamo were never even enemy combatants or terrorist at all.
30 inncocent people taken under American custody, and in direct violation of the agreements at the Geneva Conventions, were abused at terrorized. (no pun intended)
and since they are not american citizen they are beyond the reach of law, therefore habeas corpus does not apply to them

^^^ thats basically it. now to understand it

so how bad was the torture?
well, some NLEC soldiers told NPR they were spit on, denied sleep, a female MP was brought into a room and while they were blinded and gagged, they were told her period blood was being dripped on they. they were hung by the hands from the ceiling naked with bags over their heads (pictures were taken as well). they were forced to break rocks and shackled, and poop in buckets.
worst of all habeas corpus was suspended for them . (habeas corpus is he writ of habeas corpus has historically been an important instrument for the safeguarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action. Known as the "Great Writ," a writ of habeas corpus is a court order to hear the charges against detainees.without habeas corpus a person can be held indefinitely with out charge) they would never know what charges were brought against them.
if they were guilty, why was there never a trial to prove them so?
they were taken and held and abused with no charges brought against them.
imagine how bad this would feel if you were innocent or "NLEC" having years taken away from your life and tortured for no good reason.
Also the Geneva Conventions which consist of four treaties formulated in Genevea that set the standards for international law for humanitarian concerns. They were signed by the US and specifically ban torture of POW, they should be treated humanely

(there was a very good series on NLEC Guantanamo prisoners on National Public Radio. One man was captured and sent to Guantanamo because his friend was suspected of being a terrorist. He was actually not worried when he was taken by the Americans because he had actually been to Ameriaca several times. He had been to Disney Land, seen the Grand Canyon, ridden the metro in New York, when he heard he was being taken into custody by the Americans he was relieved. until it turned out it would be the worst years of his entire life. its very moving listen.)

AND "Prompted by a Supreme Court ruling banning military tribunals, Congress has empowered President Bush to form commissions to try people who provide "material support" to the enemy. Critics say the new law allows the president to declare U.S. citizens to be enemy combatants. "

The government lies to our face. They did it in Watergate, in the Iran Contra Affair, Vietnam and now Guantanamo, why should we believe them now.(im not an anarchist, anarchy is stupid)

The Irony: "We are detaining these enemy combatants in a humane manner," General Miller told reporters in March 2004. "Should our men or women be held in similar circumstances, I would hope they would be treated in this manner."

i feel sorry for the American soldiers in Iraq then

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